THE curse of Tutankhamen is said to have claimed more than 20 lives. By contrast, the curse of Neb-Senu amounts to little more than an occasional inconvenience for museum curators. Over several days, the ten-inch Egyptian statuette gradually rotates to face the rear of the locked glass cabinet in which it is displayed, and has to be turned around again by hand. Those who like tales of haunted pyramids and walking mummies may regard the mystery of the 4,000-year-old relic – an offering to Osiris, god of the dead – as the strangest thing to hit Egyptology in decades.
Egyptologist Campbell Price studies an ancient Egyptian statuette
at the Manchester Museum, which appears to be moving on its own.
The 10-inch tall relic, which dates back to 1800 BC, has been at the
museum for 80 years but curators say it has recently starting rotating
180 degrees during the day.
Experts decided to monitor the room on time-lapse video and were
astonished to see it clearly show the statuette spinning 180 degrees -
with nobody going near it.
In this time lapsed video, as the museum closes for the evening,
the statue can be seen in a clearly different position.
The following morning the statue has moved again, and is facing
even further away from its original position.
By the end of the day the statue has turned almost 180 degrees and
is now facing away from visitors to the museum.